Hazards and Risks

The Safety Management System (Vol 1 Section 2) contains detailed information about the risk management process developed by CKS. This section therefore serves as a brief introduction to Hazards and Risks.

Most activities conducted involve certain levels of risk, or might expose workers to a range of hazards. It is therefore important to identify all hazards and risks associated with any task, and apply a range of controls that will either eliminate the risk or minimize the consequence if the risk occurs.

Identified risks and their controls are formally documented into a risk register. The register is a data base and the information that is entered can be manipulated in many ways, for example, by generating ‘Risk Treatment Plans’ or reporting specific risks applicable to any given task.

Most of CKS Operating procedures and processes are ‘informed’ by the risk register, which means that procedures are designed and written to address risks and controls that have been identified and entered into the register. Therefore compliance with a set of task procedures will by default comply with the nominated controls in the risk register.

This booklet is written to control the risk of injury to new staff and visitors unfamiliar with CKS routines and procedures.

Identification of Hazards and Risk

Identification of hazards and risks can be done in a variety or ways, from simply informing a supervisor or senior staff member, through to formally structured joint risk assessments, for example, with stakeholders from outside of CKS.

The two most common methods of identifying a hazard is to complete a ‘Hazard Identification Form (CK010). This form available at the link, in the administration office, or on any CKS trains working away from the Depot.

Once submitted, it is a requirement that the issue is documented and followed through to its logical conclusion.

The other method is by a risk assessment. A risk assessment usually takes place when a new task or procedure is being considered, or there is a major change to an existing procedure being proposed. A risk assessment is conducted as a meeting between interested parties, who discuss any hazards or risks that could conceivably affect the proposal, and the those risks will be controlled.

Communicating Changes

As new controls are implemented or developed, it is important that affected workers are informed of the changes. This is done by the issue of Safety Memorandums, or formal change to the SMS. If a formal change to the SMS is made, an email noting the changes is forwarded to all members of staff. These emails must be acknowledged by the receiver.