The running shed serves as combined workshop, locomotive /rollingstock servicing shed and product storage area. It is therefore not ideal for any particular activity but is a compromise to the various functions it fulfils. Personnel are to be aware of the hazards within the shed and be mindful of the established routines and procedures used to control any risks.
The Servicing Pit
The Pit occupies about one third of space between the rails in the shed. Staff must be aware of the fall hazard this represents if there is no rollingstock stabled over it. The pit is also used as a containment area for spills of any petroleum or chemical based products stowed in the shed. All holdings of these types of products used in the depot are stowed on the western side of the shed. The entire floor on the western side of the shed has a fall to effect flow of liquids towards the pit, as does most of the floor through the centre section of the eastern side.
Rail tracks
Rail tracks run through the length of the shed. There are yellow lines painted 900 mm from the outside of each rail. This line represents the limit of the rollingstock loading gauge, or the space that will be occupied by rollingstock as it passes through the shed. When movements are likely to occur, equipment and personnel must not remain between the yellow lines.
Drivers and Shunters are not to move rollingstock into the running shed until signalled by staff on the ground to do so.
When the signal is about to be given, staff in the shed shall be informed that a movement is to take place. This is also a signal to staff to remain clear of the yellow safety lines until the Movements are completed. High visibility vests are not essential to be worn by persons working in the shed, but when informed of an imminent rollingstock movement, it is the worker’s responsibility to remain clear of the tracks. The CKS Yard Operating Plan gives more details
Liquid Spills
There are 2 Spill control stations in the running shed. These are small yellow ‘wheelie bins’ and are signed as to their purpose.
The kits contain snakes, oil absorbing spill pads and absorbent ‘kitty litter’ to soak up spills. They are beside the milling machine and under the fridge
Most of the eastern side of the running shed has a fall that will cause a spill to flow into the pit for containment. Spills in other areas of the yard need to be contained and quickly cleaned up before any serious land contamination occurs.
Spills that cause land contamination must be reported to the Operations manager and the EPA must be notified.
Workshop Tools – Miscellaneous Instructions
The workshop Lathe and Milling machine are restricted for use and may only be operated by Authorised Users. Below is a basic summary of the important instructions for when working in the running Shed. See section 5.2. in the SMS for a detailed list of working instructions.
- Non ferrous metals (copper, brass, aluminium, etc) are not to be used on the pedestal grinders
- The fine grinding wheel on the pedestal grinder is only to be used for sharpening tools
- Non ferrous metals are not to be cut in the friction Cut off saw
- All gas cylinders are to be turned off on completion of the days work
- The oxy cutting blow pipe is to be removed from the hand piece and secured in the tool room on completion of the days work
- Tools, work or equipment must not be stored in front of the fire extinguishers and fire hose reels in the shed
- Operators are to ensure the correct flanges are being used on the 9” grinder – the cut off disc and grinding discs use different flanges
- The die grinder with a carbide bit is not to be used in sheet metal holes of less that 2” (50mm) in diameter
- Items to be kept clear of approaches to fixed tools.